Thursday, August 10, 2017

SWTOR Character Tales Update: New Character Sheets

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to the Assassin's Den!

So, the other day, I was looking for the ambient dialogue from all the classes, and I stumbled on the youtube channel of Roksik.  She did a video of all the classes ambient dialogue, but she also did two other things I liked seeing. First off, she did a series of videos that not only showed the class specific stuff in KOTFE/KOTET, but also some cut dialogue.  They were all interesting, and I encourage you guys to not only check them out, but ask if she'll do Iokath and everything yet to come.

Second, on her channel, I saw a video detailing an Imperial Agent that became the Hand of Jadus, and it looked a LOT more fun than I thought it would.  Here's the video, if you're interested;

This got me interested enough to make the current Agent I'm running into the Hand of Jadus himself.  So, with that in mind, here's the White Knight universe's Imperial Agent, the Hand of Jadus Jahwill.

No, he will not show up in the story, but the effects of his actions will be felt.  Combining his introduction with a discussion I had with a few people in SWTOR about the game's timeline; basically each update was one year of time in the universe until KOTFE's timeskip.  So, instead of the two years I had planned to have passed, I'm changing the timeline to 5 years having passed.  This will require updates to character sheets, which I have no problem doing, since a few of them are outdated anyhow.  This time, however, I'll be grouping by class and character affiliation, the romance for the main characters, the importance of the character in the story, whether or not they are main characters, cameos or mentions, and the updates on their fighting styles if they're Jedi or Sith.  I'll start in a few days, and hopefully be done by the time 5.4 drops at the end of the month. I'm really excited by what I read from the datamine I saw on the SWTOR reddit, and I'm really wondering how these characters will react to the traitor, even though it won't be covered in they stories, since I'm stopping after Ragdat and Mamine have stopped Valkorian.

But for now, make use of my referral link if you play, and stay beautiful freaks!

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