Tuesday, November 26, 2019

SWTOR Character Tales: Ragdat's Return to the Republic-Onslaught Interlude-The Wedding

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to Sean's Workshop! It's time for what you've all been waiting for, Ragdat and Kira's wedding!

Eight weeks had passed between Ragdat's official proposal and the wedding, and they needed that time to prepare. The first hurdle was deciding what kind of wedding they'd have. Ragdat balked at having any Rattataki customs since most involved blood and pain to prove to both that they were strong enough to bring about healthy offspring. He said that the rites of blood weren't necessary since they were both hardened Jedi warriors, so they already knew they were already strong, and most importantly, Rattataki and humans were not biologically compatible. They'd never have children, no matter what they tried, so there was no point.

Kira was saddened that her love didn't want to bring in his culture into the wedding but understood why he only wanted human customs involved.  However, what overwhelmed Ragdat was just how many human wedding customs there were. This was the first time that Ragdat had ever thought about how numerous humans were and how many planets they inhabited.

Luckily, Kira helped Ragdat narrow things down to what truly mattered in the wedding; the two of them, a shaman or priest-like figure to oversee the ceremony, a "best man" and a "maid of honor", a ring bearer and a flower girl. Each had a purpose to play in the coming weeks and ceremony.

Choosing those roles was difficult; choosing the best man meant that Ragdat was choosing someone to handle his affairs in this ceremony and stand by Ragdat during the ceremony. Ragdat thought about his friends and decided that Scourge would be the one he wanted to stand by his side. Scourge readily accepted this honor, knowing what it meant for Ragdat.

Kira, however, had a minor problem. She didn't really have any female friends among the Alliance, or really in general. But when Master Vedere agreed to officiate the wedding, Nadia Grell agreed to perform the job. Some of Ragdat's other friends agreed to be her bridesmaids; Amelisan, Lana, Darth Nox, and Allisani. However, all their friends were there, though some with unexpected surprises.

The next problem that came about was clothes; Kira wanted a fancy dress, but Ragdat wasn't much for formal wear. In fact, Ragdat didn't have anything close to formal wear except for simple, brown Jedi robes. He was concerned that he'd offend somebody by his simple garb, but Kira assured Ragdat that he'd be fine. It didn't matter what Ragdat wore, just that he was there. Ragdat expressed confusion about Kira wanting a fancy dress, but Kira just laughed it off; that it was simply part of the fun for a woman to have that fancy dress.

Several more weeks passed as they got the decorations, food, and cake. This need for cake also confused Ragdat, but Kira assured him that it was part of the fun. She explained that they fed each other cake in a playful manner, and Ragdat understood.

The actual day, however, was magical. Everything went off perfectly; the people, the music, the decorations, perfect. And as Gnost-Dural walked Kira down the isle, Ragdat was happy to see how beautiful his soon to be wife was in that dress.

As they stood at the altar, Vedere recited her version of the wedding vows.

"Past the surface, there is the Force. But the life on the surface gives it strength. And it is the life that generates the Force is why we are gathered here today; to join two lives together. Ragdat and Kira have come together to commit their lives together, binding themselves together in love."

Vedere continued to speak about love and commitment and asked for them to tell them their vows. Ragdat vowed to honor and love Kira for the rest of his days, to love and teach her to defend herself the best way possible. Kira vowed to honor and love Ragdat for the rest of her days, and that she wouldn't feel jealous when she was compared to the greatest Jedi warrior in history, something that got a laugh out of all assembled.

When their vows were done, Vedere said that with the power a Grandmaster of the Jedi Order grants her, she pronounced Radgat and Kira husband and wife and that Ragdat could kiss the bride. Ragdat did so, and Ragdat led his wife down the aisle and into the reception, where the party began.

They went to the reception, and one of the unexpected surprises was that Curoda brought two people to the wedding; her husband Corso and her girlfriend Chopsha. This also confused Ragdat when he talked to her during the reception, even after "polyamory" was explained to him.  It seemed like a strange lifestyle choice, but Ragdat realized that it was no more strange than a Rattataki marrying a human, so he did his best to just let it go. But even with that strange occurrence, Ragdat could feel the love all around him; Allisani and Lana, Adaso and Jaesa, Darth Nox and her mate, Amelisan and Jorgan, even people who weren't married contributed to the atmosphere. And it was here that Ragdat learned that passion was not to be feared.  That his passion and love for Kira would only strengthen him. He only needed to remember that even though her flesh may die, she would always be with him, one with the Force forever.

And that's it for the wedding! I hope you enjoyed it, and that you stay beautiful freaks!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

SWTOR Character Tales: Mamine at War-Onslaught Part 1

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to Sean's Workshop! It's time to continue Mamine at War!

Our story begins in a space battle, where Mamine disables an Imperial transport for questioning. He gets a call from General Daeruun to return to Carrick Station. Once there, Mamine is told of the war over Corellia, particularly the Meridian Complex, a state of the art shipyard. If the Imperials are able to destroy the shipyard, Mamine is told, then that would hurt the Republic war effort due to how fast this shipyard can create ships.

And it is here that Gnost-Dural and Daeruun informed Mamine of her mission; the Republic fleets over Onderon will be needed do defend the Meridian Complex, but they'll need refueling before they can head to Corellia. Mamine will need to solve the problem on Onderon before they can leave the planet.

And it was here that Gnost-Dural introduced Mamine to Tau's new Padawan, Arn Peralun. A human male, what marked Arn as unusual was his extensive cybernetics. From Mamine's perspective, only Arn's head remained organic, leaving Mamine to wonder just what happened to this young man. And Arn, without asking, answered; during a battle on Dakot Seven, Arn was badly injured. When Mamine asked why he wasn't healed by kolto or bacta, Arn revealed that the people of Dakot Seven were biologically incompatible with these healing fluids, so they had none on supply to heal this young Jedi. They were forced to do what they did with their own people to Arn; extensive cybernetics. It took many years for Arn to get used to his cybernetics, setting him back on his training.

After a brief conversation about Tau, which caused Mamine to talk about her own Padawan, Mamine, along with Suthazi, took Arn to Onderon to meet Arn's new Master, and Arn revealed a bit about Onderon before getting briefed by Lana on the situation. According to Lana, the king wanted to plunder the planet's resources for credits, but the nobles weren't on board with the idea. This was leading to a civil war, and Tau was here to help shore up the defenses of Iziz.

Mamine took Arn to meet his master Tau, who was as awkward as Mamine expected. As they introduced themselves,Mamine mentioned that things were always awkward when a Master first took on a new Padawan, especially when they a bit older like Suthazi and Arn were. Mamine assured Arn and Tau that they would click in time.

But everyone's thoughts were forced back to the situation at hand by an explosion. Tau immediately sprung into action, returning to the palace while Mamine and Suthazi headed toward the explosion, leading them to a broken set of ground that led into the basement of the palace. Fighting their way through, Mamine and Suthazi were stopped by a set of droids, one of them showing a human face. This human, introducing herself as Darth Savik, claimed to know Mamine, though Mamine didn't recognize her. She had sabotaged the anti-spacecraft cannons, forcing Mamine and Suthazi to defeat her droids and shut them down to protect the Republic fleet. From there, Mamine and Suthazi returned to the throne room, ending the battle.

After some discussion, Arn revealed information about Darth Savik's modus operandi and said they needed to stay and stop her. Mamine agreed, and headed into the jungles with an old ally; Jakarro and C2D4.  Jakarro and D4 knew the planet well and aided Mamine in their attempt to gather information and stop Darth Savik. They eventually made their way the proving grounds, where Darth Savik herself was located. She revealed that it was Corellia when they last faced each other and that Savik hadn't engaged in since, making her droids do the job.

However, Mamine defeated Savik once again, though far quicker than before thanks to having a Padawan in tow, causing Savik to doubt her entire life up to that point, pleading Mamine to tell her why she was so strong. Mamine began quoting Jedi philosophy; that the Force was life, not death, and that one gained true power from defending the lie that generated the Force.

Savik, now exasperated, told Mamine where the Imperial fleet was going next; Mek-Sha, a neutral space station that the Republic fleet was headed next to refuel. Mamine gave Savik to the Republic, disheartening Savik, who still wished to learn from Mamine.

Upon landing on Mek-Sha, Mamine and Suthazi were met by Vice Admiral Narlock, Jott, Mek-Sha's chief engineer, Tau and Arn. Suthazi immediately recognized Jott, who also recognized the young Padawan. When pressed, Suthazi explained that Jott helped out the Padawan's collective for a while before they found Brosra; the Collective worked for Jott in exchange for food and fuel, though they were forced off the station after Huttbreaker found out that these Jedi Padawans were making trouble for the Brothers.

The group gave Mamine her mission; get a majority vote to sell the Republic fuel from the factions that ran Mek-Sha. Once the briefing was done, Mamine was attacked by a familiar presence in the Force, with a style she was very familiar with. What was strange was that the presence, even though it was a dark one, had no killing intent. It was almost as if Scourge was testing her again.

Once this battle was over, Mamine went to the cantina where the factions were meeting. She was met by Hylo and Gault, who told her whom she was dealing with. The first was Huttbreaker herself, a Nikto who made a grand speech about Mek-Sha's growing power. While meeting her, Mamine was met by the Dark Council Member Darth Shaar, who taunted Mamine and her allies in the typical Sith fashion.

From there, Mamine went to meet the other factions; Indigo, the leader of the Dar'Manda, a strangely named gang. Mamine never liked Mandalorians after what they did to Cathar hundreds of years ago, but she knew enough Mando'a to understand that word meant "soulless". In her mind, all Mandalorians were soulless due to their unquenchable lust for battle, though unlike Mamine, they had no desire to better themselves. And Mamine made no effort to illustrate this distaste when she met Indigo.

Her mext meeting was with the leader of the Brothers, slavers and strong allies of the Empire. The leader of this gang instantly recognized Suthazi, telling her that she would pay for their lost profits, so Mamine knew she'd get nothing from them as well, moving on to Veek the Sneak, a smuggler and leader of a gang of Rodians.

After meeting them all, Mamine knew that Veek was their only option to get what they needed. And all Veek asked for was that Mamine and Suthazi go rescue an ambassador for him. However, this was a trap, as the ambassador from the Hutt Cartel was working with the Exchange to kill Veek. Veek thanked Mamine for saving his life and promised a long working relationship with the Republic.

After finishing with Veek, Mamine got a call from Arn about the Brothers. Apparently, Arn, who had been ordered to watch them, started freaking out about the Brothers about to transport slaves. Mamine immediately called Tau, since Arn was her responsibility, and headed off to assist the young man.

When they got there, though, Mamine and Suthazi saw that Arn had killed the members of the Brothers and was choking out one of them as he arrived. Arn was angry, and not just because they were selling slaves. Arn explained that slavers were the ones responsible for his injuries, so he had a grudge going. Suthazi told Arn that he'd done the right thing, that the Brothers were scum who deserved to be wiped out, but balked at this idea; Arn had acted out of anger, something that they all needed to beware of. Mamine reminded Arn that the Dark Side was as much a part of them as the Light Side was, and that denying it gave it power, but they still needed to control their emotions if they were going to be a good Jedi, a good person. Mamine reminded Arn that he was a person as much as he was a Jedi, and he was going to make mistakes and lose control sometimes, but that losing control didn't have to condemn him as he was thinking it did.

It was that moment that Tau came upon the scene and saw what happened. She looked at Mamine, and Mamine nodded while Arn explained the situation, with Tau returning Mamine's nod. Both Masters knew that Tau had to take responsibility for both Arn's training, as she had been doing, and his actions when left alone, something that Mamine had to explain to Suthazi when the exchange was questioned. And to Tau's credit, she did so when Jott told them about Huttbreaker's outrage.  And after a short exchange that followed the debrief about just that, Mamine prepared for dock defense from the Imperials, capturing a Twi'lek named Major Anri.

With the Republic fleet finally ready for the battle of Corellia, Mamine returned to Carrick station for the briefing, finally meeting the new Supreme Chancellor, Gelena Rans. After distributing their forces, Mamine boarded a shuttle with Lana, Gnost-Dural, Suthazi, Tau and Arn, and during the journey, Mamine witnessed something interesting; a conversation between Lana and Ghost-Dural about Lana's version of Sith philosophy and why she remained loyal to Mamine despite their occasional differing of opinion.

Upon landing, Mamine, Suthazi, Tau and Arn headed out into the city, battling their way through Imperial Forces until finally meeting an old friend of Master Anstrisil, Tharan Cedrax. Tharan was the principal systems engineer of the facility. Once Tharan explained what he had done, Mamine took Suthazi, Tau and Arn up to the next level, where they came face to face with Darth Malgus once again. Malgus recognized Mamine as the savage brute that tore apart his armor, saying that kind of savagery would not avail her this time.

The battle didn't go in Malgus' favor, of course, with all the Jedi fighting calmly, each taking turns facing off this powerful Sith Lord. Malgus wasn't going to allow victory that easily, however, and telekinetically ripped a large object from the ceiling and brought it crashing down upon them. Mamine and Suthazi managed to get off the platform and got to the control station to activate the anti-spacecraft cannons. From there, Mamine and Suthazi took a shuttle back to Carrick station.

Upon the debrief, Mamine was offered a grand reward; bring the Alliance into the Republic and become a member of the rebuilt Jedi Council.  The Alliance would get a seat in the Senate for Odessen, and she'd get access to all Republic resources that she'd need for her operations. Mamine readily accepted, though she was still hesitant about teaching others her lightsaber skills.

After the briefing, Lana wasn't pleased that Mamine brought the Alliance into the Republic, but as always, she trusted his judgment. Tau and Arn walked over to them shortly after, and revealed how they survived; they had help.  When Mamine asked who, Suthazi shouted "KIRA!" and ran over to the human, diving into her arms. Kira, upon locking eyes with Mamine, told Mamine that she and Scourge had helped the Padawan's collective in their early days before having to move on with their own mission.
And speaking of Scourge, he was clad in the same armor as the mysterious assailant, allowing Mamine to finally understanding the purpose of the attack on Mek-Sha; the same as it was when she dueled him years earlier. It was a test to ensure she was strong enough for the events to come.

Mamine returned to Odessen and met with Scourge and Kira, who explained what they'd been up to for all these years. They explained that, while Mamine was working on destroying Vitiate's soul, they were working on destroying his original body. And through some grand plan of the Force, they both managed to strike down both of them concurrently. But while Mamine got back up immediately, Kira and Scourge were knocked into a coma for a year until Master Satele found them. Satele's team, however, was infected with some kind of Dark Side Plague. Kira and Scourge managed to get them onto a ship that they set drifting around uninhabited space. They explained that they could call the ship back so that the three of them, who seemed to be immune to anything Vitiate did, would deal with them in the future.

From there, Mamine met with Scourge and Kira individually. The conversation with Scourge was interesting; Scourge somehow lost his immortality with the destruction of Vitiate's soul, which also restored his emotions. This made Scourge much like Lana was now; passionate about serving Mamine with a desire to protect anything she had built.

The private meeting with Kira, however, was not at all like he expected. After some brief small talk, Kira revealed that, after Mamine went missing, Kira realized that she's kind of, sort of, always been in love with Mamine. Mamine just smiled sadly, and said that, if they'd have found each other 2 years ago, they might have been able to pursue something, mentioning that Mamine was with someone now. Kira smiled sadly, having known that thi was a probability, but still felt better than all the cards were on the table. Mamine promised that she's introduce Kira to Arcann sooner rather than later, and Kira said that she'd be alright, that she just needed time.

And that's it for Mamine at War Onslaught Part 1. As you can see, I had to tackle the missed opportunity romance aspect of the reunion, since I set it up in the beginning of Rise of Mamine. And while I would have loved to have given them what both wanted, Mamine loves Arcann too much to break up with him for Kira.

Look forward to more story when Onslaught continues, but for now, stay beautiful freaks!

Friday, November 22, 2019

SWTOR Character Tales: Ragdat's Return to the Republic-Onslaught Part 1

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to Sean's Workshop! Now that Onslaught's been out for a couple weeks, it's time for Ragdat to reunite with Kira!

Our story begins in a space battle, where Ragdat disables an Imperial transport for questioning. He gets a call from General Daeruun to return to Carrick Station. Once there, Ragdat is told of the war over Corellia, particularly the Meridian Complex, a state of the art shipyard. If the Imperials are able to destroy the shipyard, Ragdat is told, then that would hurt the Republic war effort due to how fast this shipyard can create ships.

And it is here that Gnost-Dural and Daeruun informed Ragdat of his mission; the Republic fleets over Onderon will be needed do defend the Meridian Complex, but they'll need refueling before they can head to Corellia. Ragdat will need to solve the problem on Onderon before they can leave the planet.

And it was here that Gnost-Dural introduced Ragdat to Tau's new Padawan, Arn Peralun. A human male, what marked Arn as unusual was his extensive cybernetics. From Ragdat's perspective, only Arn's head remained organic, leaving Ragdat to wonder just what happened to this young man. And Arn, without asking, answered; during a battle on Dakot Seven, Arn was badly injured. When Ragdat asked why he wasn't healed by kolto or bacta, Arn revealed that the people of Dakot Seven were biologically incompatible with these healing fluids, so they had none on supply to heal this young Jedi. They were forced to do what they did with their own people to Arn; extensive cybernetics. It took many years for Arn to get used to his cybernetics, setting him back on his training.

After a brief conversation about Tau, Ragdat took Arn to Onderon to meet his new Master, and Arn revealed a bit about Onderon before getting briefed by Lana on the situation. According to Lana, the king wanted to plunder the planet's resources for credits, but the nobles weren't on board with the idea. This was leading to a civil war, and Tau was here to help shore up the defenses of Iziz.

Ragdat took Arn to meet his master Tau, who was as awkward as Ragdat expected. As they introduced themselves, Ragdat thought back to the closest thing he ever had to a Padawan, Kira. Like Arn, Kira was almost finished with her training, and all Ragdat did was put on the finishing touches. Of course, thinking of Kira made Ragdat remember how much he missed her, but he pushed those thoughts out of his mind; he had people searching for her. He'd find her sooner or later.

Everyone's thoughts were forced back to the situation at hand by an explosion. Tau immediately sprung into action, returning to the palace while Ragdat headed toward the explosion, leading him to a broken set of ground that led into the basement of the palace. Fighting his way through, Ragdat was stopped by a set of droids, one of them showing a human face. This human, introducing herself as Darth Savik, claimed to know Ragdat, though Ragdat didn't recognize her. She had sabotaged the anti-spacecraft cannons, forcing Ragdat to defeat her droids and shut them down to protect the Republic fleet. From there, Ragdat returned to the throne room, ending the battle.

After some discussion, Arn revealed information about Darth Savik's modus operandi and said they needed to stay and stop her. Ragdat agreed, and headed into the jungles with an old ally; Jakarro and C2D4.  Jakarro and D4 knew the planet well and aided Ragdat in his attempt to gather information and stop Darth Savik. They eventually made their way the proving grounds, where Darth Savik herself was located. She revealed that it was Corellia when they last faced each other and that Savik hadn't engaged in since, making her droids do the job.

However, Ragdat easily defeated Savik once again, causing Savik to doubt her entire life up to that point, pleading Ragdat to tell her why he was so strong. Ragdat revealed his Jedi mindset; that the Force was life, not death, and that one gained true power from defending the lie that generated the Force.

Savik, now exasperated, told Ragdat where the Imperial fleet was going next; Mek-Sha, a neutral space station that the Republic fleet was headed next to refuel. Ragdat kept Savik within the Alliance, who gladly gave information about the Empire's plans in exchange for training from Ragdat.

Upon landing on Mek-Sha, Ragdat was met by Vice Admiral Narlock, Jott, Mek-Sha's chief engineer, Tau and Arn. They gave Ragdat his mission; get a majority vote to sell the Republic fuel from the factions that ran Mek-Sha. Once the briefing was done, Ragdat as attacked by a familiar presence in the Force, with a style he was very familiar with. What was strange was that the presence, even though it was a dark one, had no killing intent. It was almost as if Scourge was testing him again.

Once this battle was over, Ragdat went to the cantina where the factions were meeting. He was met by Hylo and Gault, who told him whom he was dealing with. The first was Huttbreaker herself, a Nikto who made a grand speech about Mek-Sha's growing power. While meeting her, he was met by the Dark Council Member Darth Shaar, who taunted Ragdat and his allies in the typical Sith fashion.

From there, Ragdat went to meet the other factions; Indigo, the leader of the Dar'Manda, a strangely named gang. Ragdat knew enough Mando'a to understand that word meant "soulless", so he was confused as to why he'd carry that name willingly, a fact that Ragdat approached Indigo about when he met him. Indigo, rightly assuming Radgat was friends of Mandalorians, blew Ragdat off.

He also met with the leader of the Brothers, slavers and strong allies of the Empire. Ragdat knew that he wouldn't get any help from them, so he moved on to the next group leader, Veek the Sneak, a smuggler and leader of a gang of Rodians.

After meeting them all, Ragdat figured that his best options were either to meet with Indigo or Veek. He tried Indigo first, figuring that they'd find something in common as warriors, but Indigo was truely without honor and told Ragdat to kill Veek, which meant that Ragdat would need to work with Veek to get what they needed. Veek was much better, asking Ragdat to go rescue an ambassador for him. However, this was a trap, as the ambassador from the Hutt Cartel was working with the Exchange to kill Veek. Veek thanked Ragdat for saving his life and promised a long working relationship with the Republic.

After finishing with Veek, Ragdat got a call from Arn about the Brotherhood. Apparently, Arn, who had been ordered to watch them, started freaking out about the Brotherhood about to transport slaves. Ragdat immediately called Tau, since Arn was her responsibility, and headed off to assist the young man.

When he got there, though, Ragdat saw that Arn had killed the members of the Brotherhood and was choking out one of them as he arrived. Arn was angry, and not just because they were selling slaves. Arn explained that slavers were the ones responsible for his injuries, so he had a grudge going. Ragdat reminded Arn that the Dark Side was as much a part of them as the Light Side was, and that denying it gave it power. Arn was a person as much as he was a Jedi, and he was going to make mistakes and lose control sometimes. What was important, Ragdat explained, is that he couldn't let his anger control him.

It was that moment that Tau came upon the scene and saw what happened. She looked at Ragdat, and Ragdat nodded, with Tau returning the nod. Both of them knew that Tau had to take responsibility for both Arn's training, as she had been doing, and his actions when left alone, and she did when Jott told them about Huttbreaker's outrage.  And after a short exchange that followed the debrief about just that, Ragdat prepared for dock defense from the Imperials, capturing a Twi'lek named Major Anri.

With the Republic fleet finally ready for the battle of Corellia, Ragdat returned to Carrick station for the briefing, Ragdat finally meeting the new Supreme Chancellor, Gelena Rans. After distributing their forces, Ragdat boarded a shuttle with Lana, Gnost-Dural, Tau and Arn, and during the journey, Ragdat witnessed something interesting; a conversation between Lana and Ghost-Dural about Lana's version of Sith philosophy and why she remained loyal to Ragdat despite their occasional differing of opinion.

Upon landing, Ragdat, Tau and Arn headed out into the city, battling their way through Imperial Forces until finally meeting an old friend of Master Vedere, Tharan Cedrax. Tharan was the principal systems engineer of the facility. After a brief conversation about what Vedere, who was rebuilding the Jedi Order on Tython, was up to, Ragat took Tau and Arn up to the next level, where he finally met Darth Malgus.

The battle didn't go in Malgus' favor, of course, though Ragdat did allow Tau and Arn a chance to train against Malgus before striking him down. Malgus wasn't going to allow victory that easily, however, and telekinetically ripped a large object from the ceiling and brought it crashing down upon them. Ragdat managed to get off the platform and got to the control station to activate the anti-spacecraft cannons. From there, Ragdat took a shuttle back to Carrick station.

Upon the debrief, Ragdat was offered a grand reward; bring the Alliance into the Republic and become a member of the rebuilt Jedi Council.  The Alliance would get a seat in the Senate for Odessen, and he'd get access to all Republic resources that he'd need for his operations. Ragdat readily accepted, promising that, as a Battlemaster, he'd grant lightsaber training to the Order's most promising students once again.

After the briefing, Lana wasn't pleased that Ragdat brought the Alliance into the Republic, but as always, she trusted his judgment. Tau and Arn walked over to them shortly after, and revealed how they survived; they had help.  When Ragdat asked who, the voice of the most important person in the galaxy to him spoke up, saying "Someone who loves you."

At that moment, Ragdat forgot that he was the Alliance Commander, forgot that he was a Jedi Battlemaster, that he was a member of the Jedi Council, forgot that he was even a Jedi. He was simply a man reuniting with the woman he loved after far too many years. They hugged at that moment, just enjoying their company, Ragdat telling Kira how long he'd had people looking for her, and how much he missed her.  She said, "I missed you too, tough guy, but...later, okay?"

He was also met by Scourge, in the same armor as the mysterious assailant, finally understanding the purpose of the attack on Mek-Sha; the same as it was when he dueled him years earlier. It was a test to ensure he was strong enough for the events to come.

Ragdat returned to Odessen and met with Scourge and Kira, who explained what they'd been up to for all these years. They explained that, while Ragdat was working on destroying Vitiate's soul, they were working on destroying his original body. And through some grand plan of the Force, they both managed to strike down both of them concurrently. But while Ragdat got back up immediately, Kira and Scourge were knocked into a coma for a year until Master Satele found them. Satele's team, however, was infected with some kind of Dark Side Plague. Kira and Scourge managed to get them onto a ship that they set drifting around uninhabited space. They explained that they could call the ship back so that the three of them, who seemed to be immune to anything Vitiate did, would deal with them in the future.

From there, Ragat met with Scourge and Kira individually. The conversation with Scourge was interesting; Scourge somehow lost his immortality with the destruction of Vitiate's soul, which also restored his emotions. This made Scourge much like Lana was now; passionate about serving Ragdat with a desire to protect anything he had built.

The private meeting with Kira, however, was not at all like he expected. Kira told Ragdat just how much she had missed him. She told Ragdat that she even stole a ship to come after him until Scourge stopped her. She explained that she went to sleep missing him, and woke up missing him. Ragdat could only sigh, saying he hadn't intended to make her go through that, but Kira assured him that it was fine; that she was explaining how much she loved him, and that it was killing her that she had to remain in control of her emotions. Ragdat smiled, telling Kira that neither of them was the best Jedi at such emotional control and that he had missed her just as much. That from the instant that Lana woke him up, he'd had people searching for her, hoping against hope they'd find her. Every time he saw a happy couple, Ragdat missed Kira. And that he too wanted nothing more to hold her in his arms once again.

At that moment, Kira pulled Ragdat in for a kiss, finally reuniting in full. Kira said that it felt like the future was finally starting, and Ragdat agreed. He then reminded Kira that, after all this Vitiate nonsense was over with, he promised her a wedding. Kira was practically bouncing, asking if he really meant it, and Ragdat assured her that he had. They would have the wedding as soon as possible, and Kira pulled him for a kiss once again, knowing that their future would be bright, as long as they were together.

And that's it for the released Onslaught chapters. I'll do a quick post for the wedding, but for now, the story is once again on hiatus until more content comes out. For now, stay beautiful freaks!