Monday, December 21, 2015

KOTFE Pictures: Blasters

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to the Assassin's Den! Today, I'm posting the pictures of the weapons of the KOTFE characters and starting the picture guessing game!

Now, here's how things will work.  Weapons will show up once per universe, but some show up in more than one universe.  I'll remark when a weapon shows up in more than one universe.  Second, with one exception, I'm using two models for the weapons; one for lightsabers, one for blasters.  I had planned on using only 2 models, but I forgot which one had the unique blaster.

Anyway, on with the game. Place your guesses in the comments, or sent me an email at if you run out of space.  Each weapon's number corresponds to the picture directly below it.
 3.  This one's easy, due to the mistake I made in model choice.

Luckily, all the blasters appear once per universe on the playable character.  I've used a couple of these for other characters in certain universes, but these are the player character blasters.

And yes, I have a new picture for Amelisan.  I saw the Shield Warden armor at the Yavin 4 reputation vendor when I was running her through it, and I was like "This looks like a really good as a time jumped Havoc Squad armor set."

I'll be posting the lightsabers in a day or two.  Post your guesses in either the comments or in the email address I posted earlier, and I'll let you know how accurate you were. But for now, stay beautiful freaks!

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