Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to the Assassin's Den! Today, I'm tackling the characters from the main game and the expansion, as well as other characters in those games who become important. Though this time, I'm doing things a little different than last time; the format will be similar to my character profiles I've done for my SWTOR characters
Name: Alistair
Race: Human
Class: Warrior, Sword and Shield focus
Specialization: Templar, will teach at proper approval
Recruited at: Ostagar
Romance?: Yes, female only
Special: Alistair's personality can be hardened after his personal quest with the woman he was lead to believe to be his sister. This affects later actions in the game, and whether he approves of certain choices or not. He is also 1 of 3 characters that you can't chase off.
Fate: Alistair has 4 potential outcomes based on choices; first, he's dead, striking the final blow on the Archdemon. Second, he remains a Grey Warden. Third, he becomes King, either with or without Anora. Fourth, he leaves both the Wardens and Ferelden behind.
Future appearances: Depends on choices. If Alistair is King, he makes a cameo in act 3 of Dragon Age 2, as well as at Redcliffe in Dragon Age Inquisition. He is also in text on the war table. If he is a Warden, he appears in act 2 of DA2, and is an important NPC in DAI. If he's a drunk, he appears in DA2, and not at all in DAI. He also appears in the Dark Horse comics as a King, though dialogue in DAI shows that he goes through those events as a Warden as well.
Name: Morrigan
Race: Human
Class: Mage, debuff focus
Specialization: Shapeshifter, will teach at proper approval
Recruited at: Flemeth's hut
Romance?: Yes, male only
Special: Morrigan is 1 of 3 characters that cannot be truly sent away, thanks to her importance to the ending. She will leave your party permanently if you refuse her, though.
Fate: Morrigan returns in Witch Hunt as the goal, as well DAI, as an important NPC. Depending on choices in DAO, she could show up with or without a son, and depending on end game choices, the boy could be the holder of the Old God Soul, or the human son of a Warden via romance.
Name: Customizable
Race: Mabari war hound
Class: Warrior, but with dog skills
Specialization: No, cannot learn one
Recruited at: Highever if Human Noble, otherwise between Flemeth's hut and Lothering, but only if you cured him of the Blight.
Special: (Dog) is 1 of 3 characters that cannot leave your party if he is alive.
Fate: Dog returns in Witch Hunt after siring a large amount of puppies to replenish mabari numbers after the Blight.
Name: Leliana
Race: Human
Class: Rogue, archer focus
Specialization: Bard, will teach at proper approval
Recruited at: Lothering
Romance?: Yes
Special: Like Alistair, Leliana can be hardened after dealing her personal quest.
Fate: Leliana can be killed in this game, though that is retconned into her being "wounded terribly". She becomes an important character in DA2 and DAI.
Name: Sten, later Arishok
Race: Qunari
Class: Warrior, two handed weapon focus
Specialization: None
Recruited at: Lothering
Special: Sten is the only standard characters who does not come with a specialization. He also does not learn one until hitting 14, when everyone else is gaining their second.
Fate: Sten returns to qunari lands, and due the events in DA2, becomes the new Arishok. He appears in the comics with Alistair.
Name: Shale
Race: Golem
Class: Warrior, golem abilities
Specialization: None
Recruited at: Honleath
Special: Shale can perform the same roles as any warrior, but she has version of them due to her being a non-standard warrior.
Fate: Shale returns in the novel Asunder as Wynne's parner.
Name: Zevran
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue, two weapon focus
Specialization: Assassin, will teach
Recruited at: Random encounter after finish one storyline quest
Romance?: Yes
Special: Zevran can be killed at the point of recruitment, and will betray you if his approval isn't high enough by the end game.
Fate: If he is alive, Zevran will return as a minor NPC in DA2 for a quest, and appears in war table text in DAI.
Name: Wynne
Race: Human
Class: Mage, healer/battlefield controller focus
Specialization: Spirit healer, will not teach
Recruited at: Circle Tower
Special: Wynne gains a special ability, Vessel of the Spirit, which when activated, restores half her health and mana instantly, and stuns all within 2.5 meters around her, and does a few other minor things. Getting Anerin's token boosts all aspects of this spell.
Fate: Wynne returns as a minor quest giving NPC in Awakening, and is an important character in Asunder. She is integral to the plot there, and gives up the spirit that sustains her to save the life of a friend of her son.
Name: Oghren
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior, two handed focus
Specialization: Berserker, will teach
Recruited at: Orzammar
Special: Oghren's approval bar is glitched in Awakening if importing your character. Most of the time, the game keeps the diminishing return on gifts to him, only giving you a +6 for favored gifts instead of what you are supposed to get. That means that, if you want to get all you can out of him, you need to be careful what you say and what you do with him around. Has special remarks if you're a dwarf.
Fate: Oghren returns in Awakening to become a Grey Warden. He is the only one you are required to have in your party at the end.
Name: Loghain Mac Tir
Race: Human
Class: Warrior, sword and shield focus
Specialization: Champion, will teach, but you've already received it by the time you can get him anyway.
Recruited at: The Landsmeet in Denerim
Special: You can only recruit Loghain if certain conditions are met. First, the PC must duel him, and let him surrender. Second, put him through the Joining. YOU WILL LOSE ALISTAIR TO GET LOGHAIN!
Fate: Loghain has two fates. First, he sacrifices himself to the Archdemon, which is his preference. Second, either through Dark Ritual or the PC Warden sacrificing themself, he survives to appear again. If the Warden also survived, Loghain appears at Vigil's Keep as a cameo in Awakening, giving you an item. Otherwise, he takes Alistair's place in DAI.
Name: Cullen
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Recruited at: Does not join party
Special: If your character is a mage, he knows you. If your mage is female, he had a crush on you.
Fate: Cullen plays a huge part in DA2 and DAI; in DA2, he's Knight-Captain of the Kirkwall Templars. In DAI, he's commander of the Inquisition forces.
Name: Flemeth
Race: Human based, hard to properly codify until all information is revealed
Class: Mage
Specialization: Shapeshifter
Recruited at: Does not join party
Special: Too much to detail. I will handle that in an entry about her alone.
Fate: Integral to the plots of the next two games.
Specializations that require story moments: Reaver (Warrior), Champion (Warrior), Blood Mage, Arcane Warrior (mage), Duelist (Rogue)
Specializations that require books: Ranger (Rogue), Spirit Healer (Mage), all Awakening specializations (though all specializations can be gained by book as well)
And Awakening companions.
Name: Anders
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Specialization: Spirit Healer
Recruited at: Vigil's Keep
Special: If you make him a blood mage, he gets special dialogue.
Fate: Anders returns in DA2, merged with Justice to become an abomination, and is both a companion and integral to the plot.
Name: Nathaniel Howe
Race: Human
Class: Rogue, archer focus
Specialization: Assassin
Recruited at: Vigil's Keep
Special: Nathaniel is 1 of 2 companions that can be killed before being recruited. If you're a Human Noble, you get special dialogue with him and his sister. If you're male, his sister remarks on how her father tried to match you up with her.
Fate: If you either bring him with you when you go to Amaranthine near the end of the game, or return to save the keep, Nathaniel will return in DA2 in a quest and at the ending. Otherwise, the save transfer bugs out and flags Nathaniel as dead, even if you fully upgraded the keep.
Name: Sigrun
Race: Dwarf
Class: Rogue, two weapon focus
Specialization: Legionnaire Scout
Recruited at: Kal Hirol
Special: Sigrun has special remarks if you're a dwarf. If you're a dwarven commoner, she is excited to see you.
Fate: Depending on approval, Sigrun either remains with the Wardens for years, or just leaves for her Calling out of the blue.
Name: Velanna
Race: Elf
Class: Mage
Specialization: Keeper
Recruited at: Wending Woods
Special: Velanna is 1 of 2 characters that can be killed before being recruited. Also, her special quest is tied to a random encounter, and thus may never occur, especially if you encountered the Dalish before recruiting her. If you're Dalish, she has special dialogue when you meet her. If you're a city elf, you have a special dialogue option during one of her conversations.
Fate: Like Nathaniel, if you do not take her with you when going to save Amaranthine, or return to the Vigil, Velanna does not survive according to the Epilogue. If you take her with you to face the Mother, her epilogue remarks on your choice with the Architect. Otherwise, she eventually warms to humans somewhat.
Name: Justice
Race: Spirit possessing a human body
Class: Warrior, sword and shield focus
Specialization: Spirit Warrior
Recruited at: Blackmarsh
Special: Justice is the first spirit to join your party, and the only one to become a demon.
Fate: See Anders.
Keep in mind that DAA has potions that allow you to reset everyone's skills, so these are how they enter your party. And while I keep everyone with their initial role in combat, I always reset the skills so I can distribute stats and abilities the way I want them.
I'm not going to bother with Bonny Lem or Sketch from Leliana's song, as they are barely even side characters in DA2 (Lem having a store you can visit, and Sketch having a questline around him), nor am I going to tackle the Dace Brothers from GoA (You don't even get special dialogue with them if you're a dwarven noble either!) or Arianne and Finn from Witch Hunt, as you never see them again after the DLC mission is over (Though you do get special dialogue with them if you're Dalish, a mage, or in a romance with Morrigan and have her ring). But that's it for the party members and important characters from Origins and Awakening. I'll do the characters from DA2 and DAI in the same format after I go into their respective game, an article on Flemeth due to her extreme importance to the franchise, and then a final wrap-up for the franchise.
For now, stay beautiful freaks!
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