Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to the Assassin's Den! Thanks to me finding a youtuber who focuses on pitting different Force users against each other from all across the Star Wars timeline, I've been thinking about the lightsaber forms and how they interact. This means that, when writing in the future, I'll be mentioning how they fight, rather than just "they switched to such and such form" in the future. That also means that I've figured out which forms which Force user utilizes in both universes would use. But before I do that, let me post links to both the youtuber, Jensaarai1, and Wookieepedia's article on lightsaber combat.
Ragdat: As a Battlemaster, Ragdat is trained in all 7 forms of lightsaber combat, but he prefers Shien and its dueling variant, Djem So, implementing a little bit of Soresu to beef us his defenses. This means Ragdat's a very aggressive fighter, focusing on counterattacking his enemies, and overwhelming their defenses.
Vedere: Vedere is a Niman user, though she has implemented a Soresu mentality into her fighting style. She's well verse in implementing Force based attacks in her lightsaber sequences, as you'd expect out of the Shadow class.
Vizhdam: Like Ragdat, Vizhdam is a Battlemaster, so he knows all 7 forms of lightsaber combat. However, he prefers Ataru, granting him great speed and agility, utilizing his entire body as a weapon. He's also skilled in Tràkata, a dangerous technique that utilized shutting off then re-igniting the blade to trip up his opponents.
Adaso: Adaso is a master of Djem So (but not Shien), Soresu and Juyo, which shows how he fights; brute force, powerful speed, and bulwark defense. He prefers overwhelming his opponents whenever possible, but isn't afraid to dig in when necessary.
Colmallus: As you'll see if you watch Jensaari1's video on Juyo, you'll see that anyone who masters it has needed to master at least 2 other forms. This, coupled with Colmallus' armor being resistant to lightsabers and blaster fire, gave me the idea that his other two styles would be to increase his maneuverability and ability to chain Force based attacks into his form. Thus, his use of Juyo has good footwork and maneuverability and the ability to Force abilities into his sequences.
Darth Nox: Like Vedere, Darth Nox relies heavily on the Force in combat. Though, unlike Vedere, she is double bladed Makashi user when forced to get close. For defense, Darth Nox is likely to utilize a Force barrier, likely made of lightning, to defend herself from blaster fire.
Chas'Raan: She fights very much like Obi-Wan Kenobi; mastery of Soresu giving her impeccable defense, and mastery of Ataru granting her avenues of attack. Unlike Kenobi, however, she's not very skilled in telekinesis, but has great energy defense, being able to absorb or deflect Force lightning and other similar powers.
Mamine: Like Ragdat, Mamine has trained in all 7 forms, but she still prefers Ataru, utilizing her whole body as a weapon, implementing punches and kicks into her style, as noted by her berserker rages before her redemption. That said, she has trained very hard to overcome the weaknesses of Ataru, making her great at blaster deflection.
Suthazi: Like all Jedi and Sith, Suthazi is trained in Shii Cho, the form from which all lightsaber combat stems from. That said, her first master as a Padawan began training her in Soresu to help her combat her issues with rage. However, when she becomes Mamine's Padawan, Mamine will continue Suthazi's training in Soresu while helping her overcome Soresu's weakness that is a lack of ability to turn their defense into attack.
Yokonari: Yokonari is very much a Jar'Kai using Ataru fighter, having mastered the ability to utilize two blade with speed and acrobatics, but also seeing the weaknesses of Ataru's lack of defense and overcoming it.
Casek: Though he's a Sorcerer by both training and nature, Casek is a Makashi user, like Count Dooku from the movies. Also, like Dooku, he has overcome the weaknesses of lack of ability with blaster deflection and against multiple opponents. Unlike Dooku, though, Casek is a master of implementing the Force into his lightsaber chains.
Anstrisil: Unlike most fighters on this list, Anstrisil has mastered Shii Cho, making him a very random, very unpredictable fighter. He has taken the basics of lightsaber combat and made them his own, overcoming the form's weakness at dueling. Most underestimate him due to his usage of the form that everyone has learned, but he continually surprises his opponents with unconventional applications of bladework and chaining the Force into his sequences.
I think that's all the Force users I've created that are named. Yeah, there are 2 more Jedi and one more Sith in the pictures, but they are just background dressing, and will never be seen fighting. Also, Tavella, Darth Nox's researcher, will not be seen fighting, so her preferred form won't matter either.
I'm currently working on Mamine's KOTFE Ch4, and I hope to implement as much as I've said about her fighting style into the story. But for now, stay beautiful freaks!
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