Thursday, March 27, 2014

SWTOR Character tales timelines

Welcome back, my beautiful freaks, to the Assassin's Den! Today, I'm going to clarify the timelines for the SWTOR Character tales over at, since I know how confusing they are; I write whichever character I think of something interesting for at any point in their timelines.  This is going to help clarify what happens when.

First, the individual characters;

Ragdat: Jedi Knight Ragdat, Ragdat's reunion with Kaliyo, On the Council Now, Ragdat's meditation, Ragdat meets Revan, and Jedi Mission on Makeb: Briefing.
Vedere: Jedi Consular Vedere Marr, Still Coping with Katarr,On the Council Now, and Jedi Mission on Makeb: Briefing
Amelisan: Trooper Amelisan, and Major Amelisan and her life's motivation. I'm also planning a chapter where Havoc Squad takes on one of the Dread Masters, but I have to play the flashpoint first, and I'm not anywhere near that point with my new version of Amelisan.
Adaso: Sith Warrior Adaso, Recognition of the Wrath, The Mandate of the Wrath, and The Wrath faces the betrayer.
Koyi'shak (though she self identifies herself as Darth Nox after the first chapter): Sith Inquisitor Koyi'shak, The Mandate of the Wrath, Journal of Darth Nox-New Purpose, and Darth Nox's ultimate plans. I'm also writing one where she takes on the Foundry by herself, which will happen after these four.
Maircus: Bounty Hunter Maircus and Maircus: Job Offer on Makeb. I'm going to take off on this and have him take on Imperial Makeb as well.

You'll notice that I am not mentioning Curoda and Allisani. That is intentional, because while they happen along the same timeline, their stories don't interest me, because I hated playing their classes.

And the timelines for the chapters is; all character introduction chapters (the Class:Character name ones), then Ragdat's reunion with Kaliyo/Still Coping with Katarr, Major Amelisan and her life's motivation, Recognition of the Wrath, The Mandate of the Wrath, Journal of Darth Nox-New Purpose, Darth Nox's ultimate plans, On the Council Now, Ragdat's meditation, Ragdat meets Revan/unwritten chapter for Amelisan, unwritten chapter for Darth Nox, The Wrath faces the betrayer and Jedi Mission on Makeb:Briefing/Maircus: Job Offer on Makeb.

And I'll update this as I add new chapters, and I'll also make it easier to understand.

As for the second timeline;

Mamine: Jedi Knight Mamine and Mamine's Dark Meditation, so far.  I've actually got one planned where she takes on the False Emperor.
Yokonari: Sith Inquisitor Casek, Sith Warrior Yokonari, Reunion on Dromund Kaas,  Letters between friends, Near Security Breach, Introducing Light Apprentice, Vows of the White Knight, Letters between friends 2, Quinn's betrayal and feelings admitted, and Darth Imperius joins the White Knights.
Casek: Near Security Breach, Introducing Light Apprentice, Letters between friends 2, Quinn's betrayal and feelings admitted, and Darth Imperius joins the White Knights.

All three of these characters will get new chapters.  As for the timeline, add Mamine's introduction in at the same time as Yokonari, and add Dark Meditation at the same time as Darth Imperius.

All other events that I come up with will be posted in another post.  For now, check out the story I posted a link to at the top.

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