Sunday, July 14, 2013

SWTOR Character Profiles: Jedi Knight

As those who are following my "story" know, I roleplay my characters within the context of the game.  To aid myself in doing that, I've created back stories, moments that give insight into the characters' personality (both on under my SWTOR Character Tales story) and these character bios.  I'll be posting these over the next 8 days, so enjoy.

Name: Ragdat
Gender: Male
Species: Rattataki
Age: 27 standard years
Homeworld: Rattatak, but was found by the Jedi on Nar Shaddaa
Class: Jedi Knight/Jedi Guardian DPS focus
Personality Profile: Ragdat is a young man who has a strong desire for justice.  He has a kind heart, but he tends to leap before he looks and makes some snap decisions that others in the Jedi Order may find questionable.  However, his heart is in the right place, and he gets results.  He won't hesitate to help someone in need, but he wants those he helps to be able look out for themselves, as his life on Rattatak and Nar Shaddaa taught him.  He prefers to keep moving, and becomes restless if he has sit still for too long.

I'll do my Bounty Hunter tomorrow, and my Sith Inquistor after that.  From there, we'll see.

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